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SnapshotID: 50787

Active ingredients




- Insecticide- Termiticide

WSSA mode of action

Sodium channel modulators




AntAnt, CarpenterAnt, FireAphidAphid, Rosy AppleArmywormArmyworm, BeetArthropodsBagwormBed BugBeeBee, CarpenterBeetleBeetle, AmbrosiaBeetle, BarkBeetle, CarpetBeetle, DarklingBeetle, Elm BarkBeetle, Elm LeafBeetle, FlourBeetle, GroundBeetle, JapaneseBeetle, LarderBeetle, LeafBeetle, Mountain PineBeetle, PowderpostBeetle, TurpentineBeetle, Western PineBeetle, Wood InfestingBorerBorer, Ash/LilacBorer, Banded Ash ClearwingBorer, Bronze BirchBorer, DendroctonusBorer, DogwoodBorer, Flatheaded AppletreeBorer, IpsBorer, Lesser PeachtreeBorer, OakBorer, Old HouseBorer, Peach TwigBorer, PeachtreeBorer, RhododendronBorer, old houseBug, BatBug, BoxelderBug, LeaffootedBug, LygusCankerwormCaterpillarCaterpillar, Leaf FeedingCaterpillar, TentCentipedeChafer, RoseChinch BugCockroachCockroach, AsianConewormCricketCricket, MoleCurculio, PlumEarwigEye GnatFace flyFilbertwormFirebratFleaFlyFly, BlackFly, ClusterFly, DeerFly, Drain/Sewer GnatFly, HornFly, HorseFly, HouseFly, StableFruitworm, GreenFungus GnatHeliothisHornetKed, SheepLace BugLeafhopperLeafhopper, White AppleLeafminerLeafminer, BirchLeafminer, Spotted TentiformLeafrollerLeafroller, ObliquebandedLeafroller, RedbandedLiceLice MangeLooper, CabbageLyme Disease VectorsMealworm, LesserMealybugMillipedeMite, ChickenMite, MangeMite, Northern FowlMite, ScabiesMosquitoMoth, ClearwingMoth, GypsyMoth, IndianmealMoth, Nantucket Pine TipMoth, Oriental FruitMoth, Zimmerman PineOrangeworm, NavelPillbugPine EngraverPlant Bug /Leaf BugPlant Bug, TarnishedPsylla, PearRocky Mountain Spotted Fever VectorsSawfly, PineScorpionSeed Bug/Leaf-footed BugSilverfishSowbug/PillbugSpiderStink BugTermiteTermite, CoptotermesTermite, HeterotermesTermite, ReticulitermesTermite, ZootermopsisThrips, CitrusTickTick, Brown DogTick, DeerTick, EarTick, Western BlackleggedTicksWaspWebwormWebworm, Sod/Lawn MothWeevil, RootWhiteflyYellowjacket

Temperature range

Min 40°F (5°C)

Available for use in the following states


Not available

Product safety


Personal Protection
Applicators using ULV cold foggers or fog/mist generators in indoor spaces must wear: • Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants, • Chemical resistant gloves, • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks, and • Chemical-resistant headgear, if overhead exposure. Applicators using ULV cold foggers and/or fog/ mist generators in outdoor spaces must wear: • Long-sleeve shirt and pants, • Shoes plus socks, and • Chemical-resistant gloves. All other mixers, loaders, applicators, and other handlers must wear: • Long-sleeve shirt and pants, • Shoes plus socks, and • Chemical-resistant gloves for all handlers except for applicators using motorized ground equipment, • Chemical-resistant apron for mixers/loaders, persons cleaning equipment, and person exposed to the concentrate and for handlers performing animal dip applications.
Restricted Entry Interval
12 hours


May be exposed to direct sunlight

Should not be exposed to flame or sparks

Should not be stored in a damp place

May be stored in a warm place

May be frozen