Contact Greenbook
Your complete crop protection reference
Got a question? Just click on one of the sections below to find the answer. If you still can’t find the answer to your question, please feel free to email us at
gbmarketing@agworld.comFrequently asked questions
What is greenbook
Greenbook is an agricultural input label database, your complete crop protection reference. With over 10,000 labels and supplements from suppliers across the US, we’re here to provide you with a reliable source of plant protection chemical label data
How do I purchase a product listed on your website?
Greenbook is an online repository of crop protection label information, and we do not sell or distribute the products listed on our website. Contact your local ag chem supplier to purchase a product.
Does Greenbook re-sell or distribute agricultural inputs?
No, Greenbook is an online repository of crop protection label information, and we do not sell or distribute the products listed on our website.
Can I advertise through Greenbook’s native ad space?
Yes - generate more traffic with the audience that counts by integrating your ads within Greenbook content. If you are a manufacturer, contact us at to find out more about purchasing ad space.
Does Greenbook offer product promotion services for manufacturers?
Yes - Greenbook can help you promote featured products and put it front of mind for those searching by product, manufacturer, pest or active ingredient. Contact us at for more information.